Parking Information
Show where to park, when to bring parking ticket, construction-related updates, etc. Send videos showing exactly where to go.
Show where to park, when to bring parking ticket, construction-related updates, etc. Send videos showing exactly where to go.
Appointment Gaps
There’s a lot more to appointments than just reminders. We take a holistic approach to the entire appointment experience — before, during, and after the appointment itself.
Booking Confirm
Notify immediately when an appointment is booked with appointment details and contact info.
- Confirm details immediately
- Provide a clickable appointment record
- Provide contact and directions info
Cancellation Blasts
Bulk alerts to patients about clinic closure or provider unavailability due to weather or other circumstances. Staff member selects clinic, provider, dates and times.
- Prevent unnecessary travel to closed locations
- Eliminate the need to call all parties
Clinic Maps & Directions
Send directions via Google Maps link — but only if there were no recent appointments at that same location.
- Create a context aware experience
- Prevent unnecessary over-communication
Google Reviews
Send a post-visit “Thank You” message with a link to add a Google Review for the clinic or provider.
- Capture positive reviews
- Drive patient feedback
Holiday Closure Notice
Notify patients regarding holiday closures.
- Increased patient satisfaction
Intelligent Reminders
Notify about all upcoming appointments in a single reminder. Interactive reply to confirm or cancel. Real-time integration with EMR. Information available at any time via APPTS command.
- Create a single, trusted channel
- Avoid alert fatigue
- Keep everyone in sync
Post-Visit Surveys
Send a post-visit “Thank You” message with a link to a survey that can be completed immediately on the patient’s cell phone.
- Monitor patient satisfaction
- Drive app/portal adoption
- Show them you care
Prep Instructions
Send timely notifications about how to prepare for upcoming procedures of all types. Customizable by appointment type and provider. Provide a phone number for questions.
- Surgical prep and what to avoid prior
- Post-Op follow up and instructions
- Avoid utilization gaps
- Reduce delays
Provider Introduction Videos
Send provider introduction & welcome videos to new patients. Start building the relationship before the visit even starts.
- Differentiation of service
- Allows physicians to promote themselves
- Provide a warmer connection and familiarity
Virtual Appointment Instructions
Provide timely instructions for patients to connect for remote and virtual appointments.
- Promote telehealth services
- Reduce no shows or late visits